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Most, if not all of the posts shown here are taken, extracted from or related to the research of the man with a name that is named Vic Beck. Thank you Hallow.

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Friday, June 18, 2010


Hi all

So there be no confusion this is the text of the draft mentioned in the email titled Fiduciary...

Property as per S. 2 of the Criminal Code of Canada; real and personal property of every description and deeds and instruments relating to or evidencing title to or right to property, or giving a right to recover or receive money or goods.

Pursuant to section 322 of the same code the Courts have stated that property is 'anything'.

A name is property as is our labour.

Law Dictionary 4th Ed, "fiduciary"; A person having a legal duty, created by his undertaking, to act primarily for the benefit of another in matters connected with his undertaking; in the nature of a position of trust or holding confidence. For example, a trustee has a fiduciary obligation to the beneficiary of a trust and acts as a fiduciary in his management of the trust property. An attorney has a fiduciary relationship with his client, etc.

The name associated with the debt is, in absence of evidence to the contrary, derived of the original of the copy of the instrument attached.

I am not and did not consent to be a party to the undertaking, nor do I have actual or constructive possession of the original instrument, nor am I the fiduciary.

Settle up with the claimant.